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Simple Animated GIF Dog Wagging Tail

dog gif animated

This is a really simple Paint 3D project to create a dog wagging his tail GIF

Start by opening Paint 3D and drawing 2 sphere shapes like in the above example

Add ears the capsule shape works well for this

Add some facial features

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Great Looking Speckled iPhone 11 Case
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Again with the capsule tool add legs and a tail

With the addition of the mouth and tongue the drawing is more or less complete

In this example we have a second tail so we have a left and right tail this will allow the tail to wag back and forth

So this image has the tongue and the left tail removed, then the image was saved


Rainy Day Wear All-Over-Print Tank Top
Rainy Day Wear All-Over-Print Tank Top
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Now the left tail and the tongue are added back and the right tail is removed and the image is saved

Possum Apron
Possum Apron
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So what you have is two images, one is tail right tongue in and the other is tail left tongue out. Now just find a site that converts images to GIF's. The end product will be a dog wagging his tail and his tongue going in and out.


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